toybox 3d printer


The Toybox 3D printer is an intriguing addition to the world of 3D printing, particularly aimed at children and beginners. Its easy-to-use design and engaging features promise to introduce young minds to the wonders of 3D printing, but how does it actually perform? This comprehensive review delves into the specifics, exploring the Toybox 3D printer’s features, performance, ease of use, safety, and overall value.

toybox 3d printer

How Does the Toybox 3D Printer Perform?

Ease of Setup and Initial Impressions

One of the first interactions users have with any device is the setup process. The Toybox 3D printer makes a strong initial impression in this regard.

Unboxing Experience: The Toybox 3D printer comes neatly packaged, with clear labeling and protective materials to ensure all components arrive safely. Included in the package are the printer itself, a sample filament, a power supply, and a quick-start guide. This thoughtful packaging helps set a positive tone for users right from the start.

Assembly and Setup: The Toybox requires minimal assembly, which is a significant advantage for its target demographic of children and beginners. Most components come pre-assembled, allowing users to get started quickly. The quick-start guide offers straightforward instructions, enhanced by clear illustrations, making the setup process hassle-free.

Initial Impressions: First impressions are everything, and the Toybox doesn’t disappoint. Its sleek design and compact size make it an attractive addition to any child’s workspace or play area. The user interface on the included touchscreen is intuitive and user-friendly, which further reassures users about the ease of operating the printer.

toybox 3d printer

Printing Process and User Experience

After setting up the Toybox 3D printer, the printing process becomes the next focal point. This segment explores how the printer performs and the user experience it delivers.

Uploading Designs: The Toybox 3D printer simplifies the design upload process by connecting users to an extensive library of printable objects through its proprietary app. Users can browse hundreds of pre-made designs ranging from toys and gadgets to educational models. The app also allows users to upload custom designs if they wish to print their own creations.

Starting a Print: Starting a print job is straightforward, thanks to the intuitive design of the app. Users can select an object from the library, adjust the print settings if necessary, and send the job to the printer with just a few taps. The simplicity of this process is particularly appealing to children and beginners, ensuring they can enjoy a seamless experience from design selection to printing.

Print Quality: The print quality of the Toybox 3D printer is commendable for a device in its category. It delivers detailed and accurate prints, particularly when considering its primary use for toys and educational purposes. While it may not match the precision of professional-grade 3D printers, it’s more than sufficient for its intended applications.

Printing Speed: Printing speed is a crucial factor, especially when catering to children who may have shorter attention spans. The Toybox 3D printer generally offers reasonable print times, depending on the complexity and size of the object. Smaller, simpler designs can be completed in under an hour, while more intricate models may take several hours.

Noise Levels: Noise can be a concern with 3D printers, but the Toybox operates relatively quietly. It’s quiet enough to be used in a home environment without causing significant distraction or discomfort, making it a suitable option for use in living rooms or children’s play areas.

toybox 3d printer

Filament and Material Use

The type of filament and material compatibility are critical aspects of any 3D printer. Here’s how the Toybox 3D printer handles these factors.

Type of Filament: The Toybox 3D printer uses PLA filament, which is known for being eco-friendly and easy to print with. PLA is ideal for beginners because it’s biodegradable, non-toxic, and less prone to warping compared to other materials like ABS. This choice aligns well with the printer’s focus on safety and ease of use for children.

Changing Filament: Changing the filament on the Toybox printer is a straightforward process. The printer’s design allows for quick and easy filament swaps, which is particularly helpful for users who want to experiment with different colors or types of PLA. The printer guides users through the process with on-screen instructions, ensuring a smooth transition from one filament to another.

Filament Availability: Toybox offers its own branded filament in a variety of colors, which are readily available for purchase through their website and other online retailers. While you can use third-party PLA filament, using Toybox’s own filament ensures compatibility and optimal print quality.

Print Durability: Printed objects tend to be durable and suitable for moderate play. The PLA material offers a good balance of strength and flexibility, making it appropriate for printing toys and educational models that children can handle and use.

Safety Features

Given that the Toybox 3D printer is intended primarily for children, safety is a paramount concern. Here’s how the Toybox addresses this critical aspect.

Enclosed Design: The Toybox printer features an enclosed design that helps protect users from moving parts and hot components. This design minimizes the risk of accidental burns or injuries, making it safer for young users to operate.

Non-Toxic Materials: By using PLA filament, which is non-toxic and biodegradable, the Toybox printer ensures that printed objects are safe for children to handle and use. This choice of material also eliminates harmful fumes and emissions, providing a safer printing environment.

Low Temperature Settings: The Toybox operates at lower temperature settings compared to many other 3D printers. This not only contributes to its safety profile but also reduces the likelihood of filament issues such as warping or stringing.

Parental Controls: The Toybox app offers parental controls that allow parents to monitor and regulate their child’s printing activities. These controls ensure that children stay safe while using the printer and that they print appropriate objects.

toybox 3d printer

Educational Value and Creativity

The Toybox 3D printer offers significant educational value, encouraging creativity and learning among young users.

STEM Learning: The Toybox printer fosters an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by allowing children to design and print their own models. This hands-on experience aids in understanding concepts related to geometry, physics, and engineering.

Creative Expression: By providing a platform for children to create their own designs, the Toybox encourages creative expression and artistic exploration. The ability to turn digital designs into physical objects fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts confidence.

Educational Resources: Toybox offers a variety of educational resources, including guides and tutorials, to help children learn about 3D printing and design. These resources make it easier for parents and teachers to incorporate 3D printing into educational activities and lessons.

Value for Money

The price point of the Toybox 3D printer is an essential factor in determining its overall value. Here’s how it stands up in terms of cost-effectiveness.

Initial Cost: As of the latest update, the Toybox 3D printer is priced at approximately $300. While this is a significant investment, it is relatively affordable compared to other 3D printers designed for educational and recreational use.

Operating Costs: Ongoing costs include purchasing new filaments and potential maintenance. PLA filament is generally affordable, and Toybox offers competitively priced filament options. Given its ease of maintenance, operational costs remain manageable.

Long-Term Value: Considering the educational benefits, safety features, and ease of use, the Toybox 3D printer offers substantial long-term value. The initial investment pays off in terms of the learning opportunities and creative potential it offers to children.

toybox 3d printer

User Reviews and Experiences

Insights from user reviews provide valuable perspectives on the Toybox 3D printer’s performance and overall satisfaction.

Positive Feedback: Users frequently praise the Toybox for its ease of use, safety features, and the educational value it offers. Parents and educators appreciate the printer’s ability to engage children in STEM learning and creative activities.

Print Quality: While generally positive, some reviews note that the print quality, while good, may not match that of higher-end printers. However, for its intended purpose of printing toys and educational models, the quality is deemed more than sufficient.

Customer Support: Toybox is often commended for its customer support. Users report prompt and helpful responses to inquiries, which enhances the overall experience and satisfaction.

Considerations: Some users mention the limitations in print size and filament compatibility as potential drawbacks. However, these factors are typically outweighed by the printer’s benefits and suitability for its target audience.


The Toybox 3D printer provides an excellent introduction to the world of 3D printing, particularly for children and beginners. Its user-friendly design, engaging features, and strong educational focus make it a valuable tool for fostering creativity and STEM learning. While it may not offer the high precision of professional-grade printers, it excels in delivering a safe, enjoyable, and educational experience. This comprehensive review highlights the Toybox 3D printer’s strengths, practical applications, and overall value, ensuring that users can make informed decisions about incorporating this innovative device into their homes or classrooms.